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Keeping up with The Times

Tuesday, July 21, 2020 6:37 AM

I had the absolute pleasure of meeting andworking with Corey Engelsdorfer, publisher of the The Times through recent work I did with Festival Players and through launching a new music festival in PEC a couple of summers ago called Wellington Water Week. Corey has been a big supporter of ours, and I was truly grateful for his help and guidance with our marketing and PR launch efforts - especially his patience. We VERY narrowly made our ad deadlines on a couple of occasions, and he was a huge help to us! 

In a nutshell – The Wellington Times was founded in 1992, Corey took over as Publisher in 2017 and The Times remains one of Ontario’s last independently owned community newspapers. With the ongoing national consolidation of media outlets, I feel like local newspapers like The Times are a bit of an anomaly as they are still very much a going concern. Living in this community, I appreciate the important role this paper plays - how it addresses local concerns and how it unites, supports and celebrates the community by sharing inspirational stories about local residents, artists and businesses that are relevant to us. It is 100% local coverage. I make a point of picking up The Times every week and read it cover-to-cover even though I know it can be read online. For these reasons, as an advertiser –I think it really makes sense to support this paper too.

In addition to his role with The Times, Corey is also Chair of the Wellington Recreation Committee and oversees some of the biggest annual events in Wellington including celebrations for Canada Day, Christmas and one of the biggest draws each year, Pumpkinfest - an amazing and really fun event!! He clearly has an abundance of passion and is dedicated to this community.

If you live here, you are likely already familiar with The Times, but if you are visiting – be sure to pick up a copy –it’s free! It will help you to familiarize yourself with the area and may introduce you to some very interesting individuals and businesses too! Thank you again, Corey, for all that you do – your support is very much appreciated!! 



