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This Community

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 6:42 AM

In keeping with my gratitude focus this year, today I want to shout out how completely grateful I am to live in this remarkable community - Prince Edward County. 

I started drawing inspiration from local artists, artisans and entrepreneurs here in PEC a few years ago – and I still have MANY, many more to do, the list is endless. This illustration (with 56 caricatures) represents just a fraction of the incredible talent in this region, and I haven’t properly tackled the backbone of the region yet - the farming community for which I have so much admiration and respect. 

This past year, we sat back and watched in amazement as you all pivoted your businesses to adapt to the madness of this world, and you all did it so brilliantly and under unprecedented levels of stress. And, while very few of us will ever forget the experiences of 2020 (and likely a lot of 2021), we will always remember and appreciate how truly blessed we were (and still are) to be surrounded by such a devoted and caring community. Thanks to all of you for inspiring us with your grit, your creativity, your compassion, your courage and your humour. We are most grateful!!